Well hello there my friends! I hope you are having a smashing week so far. I’ve been meaning to tell you but I keep forgetting – I’m headed to Blissdom and Haven conferences this year. If you are going to either let me know! I’d love to meet as many cool people as possible while I’m there. 🙂
So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!
Awesome new feature: Any projects I feature each week I will pin on Pinterest for everyone to see! Follow me on Pinterest to get in on the pinning action.
* Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
RECIPES/FOOD now has a separate link. Please make sure to link your recipes on the new link at the bottom.
Here are my favorites from last week’s party:
Living in the Woods has been adding all sorts of organizing built-ins to their kitchen. I love how they created their own knife block!
Organizing Made Fun shares the cutest little bedroom for 3 girls. I love how these beds are all bunked and built in. So cozy!
Over the Big Moon made a book for her son to organize all his lego books. If you have a son you probably know what it’s like trying to keep all those books in order! I’m so making one of these for my son asap.
I love this bathroom makeover from A Pumpkin and a Princess. You should click through and see the before. This makeover really is amazing.
Somewhere in the Middle gives a great tutorial on how to clean a dishwasher. I’ve never even thought about cleaning my dishwasher. Yikes! I’m totally going to do this tonight.
I’m lovin’ this adorable Anthro inspired vase by It’s Overflowing. Isn’t it purdy?!
Make an adorable Queen of Hearts Valentines pillow over at Sweet Floweret.
Compulsive in Texas is the sign making Queen! Click through to see all her fab signs. I’m especially taken with this “EAT” one.
Kuzak’s Closet is a smarty-pants. She took photos of all her shoes and tucked the photo into a clear shoe box. Now you can easily find what shoes you are looking for. Brilliant!
This nightstand makeover from Soulstyle is incredible. She even added a mirror to the top. So pretty.
The Crafted Sparrow made the coolest letters for her kitchen using PENNIES. I love how they reflect and shine.
Make your own adorable and fun beer caddy at One Project Closer. If you’re not a drinker, you can totally use this for those fun IBC bottles.
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently!
* Link back to my blog, please. Buttons can be found HERE.
* Link directly to your specific post.
* Please only post links that you haven’t previously posted at one of my parties. We want fresh new content each week.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
{Someday Crafts has a great party each Thursday for this!}
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Ready. Set. Post!
Projects, Crafts, Decorating, etc (everything BUT recipes)
Thanks for hosting! I linked up my crochet owl and granny stripe blanket 🙂
I love the shoe organizing tip. If my mister caught me taking pictures of my shoes, it would confirm his suspicions of my mental health!
Thank you for hosting!
Kerry at HouseTalkN
I’m going to HAVEN! Can’t wait to meet you in person 🙂
WOW!! The features just get better and better! Thank you so much for hosting:-)
Thanks for hosting. I have not been uble to link up for ages cause your blog doesn’t alway load up on my computer. I’m at my mum’s today and it’s working fine so hope it’s the same back home now.
I forgot that you had seperated craft and recipes so sorry my flag cake is in the wrong section. Apologies!!!!
I love your parties and am just so glad to be able to link up today
Carolyn xx
Thanks so much for hosting! Love the features 🙂
Thank you so much for featuring my bathroom makeover! You’re awesome Allison! 🙂
Thanks for hosting! Hoping to meet you at Haven!
Oh … I like the EAT sign with the spoon and fork! Thanks for hosting.
Great picks! Thanks for hosting today!
Hey, girl, hey!!! I’ll definitely be at Haven!! Woohoo! Hope to meet you for sure! xoxo
I love you, have i told you that? I do. 🙂 Thanks for the feature!
Thank you so much for the feature! I look forward to Hookin Up every week!
Hey Allison!
Linked up a bunch of projects and am getting ready to browse all the creative goodness!
I was so excited to hear that you’ll be at Blissdom. I’ll be there too, so we’ll get to meet in person. YAY!
Thanks for hosting Allison!
Thanks for hosting! I’m a newbie 🙂
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for the partAY!!
Yay! Thanks for the feature, Allison! Oh…you KNOW Blissdom will so fun! Guess what? I’m going to Haven too! We’ll have lots to talk about soon…just a few more weeks! Yippee!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
I had just linked up my dishwasher tune up when I noticed that’s what you featured this week from someone else. So funny! There are some nasty things that get down there…..ewwww ewww. Thanks for hosting! 🙂
So, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I was at your house rummaging through all of your craft stuff looking for something to make. You and the kids came home and you tried pretending like it was normal that I was in your house. I was wearing these 80’s acid washed jeans and you said, “Oh, those are really cool.” But we both knew they weren’t. I left soon after that to “go on a run” and you wished me luck.
What the heck?!
Oh-linked up my Pickled Jalapeno Pepper recipe. Boo yeah.
Thank you so much for featuring me!!
I love coming to check everything out on Thursdays, thanks so much!
Thanks so much for featuring our Lego Instructions Organizing Book! Awesome features today!
Thanks so much for hosting. I love your blog!
Thanks for featuring my grody dishwasher! 🙂
Thanks for featuring my grody dishwasher! 🙂
Thanks for hosting! I would love to go to Haven!
Thanks for hosting – as always so many great ideas!
YAY!! I FINALLY have a post! LOL Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Thanks for hosting! I look forward to looking through these links! 🙂
Hi Allison,
I hope to make it the Haven Conference, but not sure that will happen. What a great chance to meet some wonderful bloggers.
Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful week! 🙂
Woo hoo! Thanks for featuring our crafty Beer Tote! (Also suitable for non-alcoholic rootbeer, and it’ll even fit those new 16 oz. plastic coke bottles)
Great party! We’d love to have you submit a project over at our (much smaller) first DIY Link-it-Up party this weekend!
that triple bunkbed is great! fancy having such a jungle bed – frame in your bedroom. which kid would not want this?! thx for featuring
First of all, LOVE your blog! Also, my daughter is named Kinsey, she is going to be 28 and I have only ever seen a couple other Kinseys out there in the world! Keep up the good work.
I love this whole look. The red and white packages, the pine cones, the basket underneath-all fabulous. Great job!