Well hey hey hey! Dude, yesterday was my TWO YEAR Blogiversary! I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Time flies when you’re having fun! So, is it safe to say I’m not a newbie blogger anymore?
** So, are you new here? I throw the Hookin’ Up with HoH Party every week to give all of you a chance to find other awesome blogs to read. Below you will find several hundred mini links to other people’s blog posts. Have fun browsing through the links in search of new ideas. Also, if you are a blogger, please feel free to add your own links to the list!
!! Any projects I feature will be pinned on My Pinterest Board for everyone to see! Follow me on Pinterest to get in on the pinning action.
* Please refrain from posting links to shops and stores.
Please note: RECIPES/FOOD is a separate link. Please make sure you are linking in the appropriate section.
Here are my favorite links from last week’s party:
The Crafted Sparrow made some slipcovers for her ottomans then used freezer paper to make some cool stencils for the top. Very cool.
OMG I love this art by The Hell on Heels Housewife. Such a fun twist using rulers for the deer head.
Signs by Andrea made this very cool Baseball Scoreboard.
Melanie Ham Designs did a great job updating her craft closet into a much more user friendly space.
I love this breakfast nook makeover by A Lived in Home.
Bits and Pieces of the Better Life made a huge growth chart ruler. Such a fun addition to any room!
Dixie Delights is wowing with this very pretty chair makeover.
Learn how to make your own placemats over at Vixen Made.
Our Pinteresting Family took a boring armoire and turned it into the coolest storage lockers! What a great repurposing idea!
My girl Beth at Free Stylin’ is a smarty-pants! She took a clock and gave it a fab makeover by painting it and then turing the clock into a mirror using mirror spray paint! How smart is that?!!
Directions NOT Included made her own chevron coasters that are so chic and pretty.
If these rainbow cupcakes by Racks and Mooby don’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will!
To see the InLinkz party you will need to click through!
To view the remainder of this post please
If you’ve been featured you are AWESOME so grab a button and tell everyone!
Post about anything you’ve worked on recently!
* Link back to my blog pretty please! Buttons can be found HERE.
* Link directly to your specific post.
* Please only post links that you haven’t previously posted at one of my parties. We want fresh new content each week.
A few DON’TS:
* Don’t link up your SHOP, STORE, OR ETSY to my party.
* Don’t link up your GIVEAWAY to my party.
{Someday Crafts has a great party each Thursday for this!}
By posting to this party you are giving House of Hepworths the right to feature one of your photos.
Ready. Set. Post!
Projects, Crafts, Decorating, etc (everything BUT recipes)
Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for hosting a great party!
Thanks for featuring my scoreboard! Great group of projects! I love that growth chart ruler too! 🙂
Great features, Allison! Thanks for hosting!
I think there’s something wonky going on with the inlinkz. Everything is posting to both categories.
Thanks for hosting!
Freaking out over that ruler growth chart!!! HOw cute is that?
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary! Always something interesting here. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks for hosting Allison! I want to eat the rainbow cupcakes with a glass of wine on a chevron coaster right now!
Thanks so much for hosting Allison! Those rainbow cupcakes have my tummy rumbling! Have a wonderful Thursday.
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for hosting.
Wow, thanks for featuring my DIY slip covered ottomans & freezer paper stencils! That was a nice surprise as I scrolled through Pinterest! Happy Blog-iversarry! Have a great week!
Happy Bloggy Birthday Allison! I don’t comment often but have always enjoyed your projects!
Thank you so much for the feature!!! I’m truly flattered 🙂
Thanks for hosting!
I linked up the announcement for The Ribbon Retreat Blog. I hope that’s okay! Feel free to delete it if it really goes again your link party rules.
Thanks and have a great day!
Happy bloggiversary!!! 🙂
Wow amazing features this week! I LOVE that deer cut out… its seriously fabulous!
Cant wait to see whats linked up this week!
Happy Blogiversary Allison! Thanks for hosting – always a fun party.
Kelly @ herringbone lane
Allison!!! Congratulations on TWO years!!! I’m right behind you…I have just two more months and I’ll hit 2 years also! I must say, you’re readers have FANTASTIC stuff – look at those features! It must be SO hard to choose!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
Nothing to post this week on the party, but wanted to stop in and wish you a happy blogiversary! It’s an amazing achievement – keep staying awesome!
Thank you for the feature! So fun seeing what the online and bloggy community is making each week. There are some amazing and talented people out there!!
happy blogaversary thanks so much for hosting 🙂
Thank you so much for featuring our locker. We appreciate it so much. Happy Blogiversary to you! I love checking out what you have and what is linked up to your weekly party. Megan
thank you so much for opening you welcoming doors each and every week for us to come in (i do take my shoes off: ) and share our new creations…recipes…decorating ideas and more! a place for friends to gather — i just want you to know that it is greatly appreciated! sending hugs…
Happy two years!! I’ve linked up my St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes that are made green using SPINACH. You can’t taste it, I swear.
Love everything with rulers! 🙂
Thanks, Allison.
Happy 2nd Bloggiversary Allison!! Watcha doing to celebrate?? Anything exciting? Thanks for hosting another inspirational party. Love the projects you featured here, especially the chiar makeover 🙂
Heather @ settingforfour.blogspot.com
Happy Bloggy Birthday! Your blog was one of the first blogs that I read. I kept coming back because it felt like a gal pal conversation- never stuffy and never boring!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Kerry at HouseTalkn
Oh my gosh – Happy Anniversary!!! Maybe I’ll come for a visit to celebrate. 🙂
Hi, Allison. Thanks for hosting :). Happy Anniversary, too! YAY!
Congratulations on your two year anniversary! You truly are one of my absolute favorite blogs!
Happy anniversary girl!! CONGRATS. That is a HUGE accomplishment. I can’t believe how much you have achieved in the past two years. Thanks again for hosting. I always look forward to Thursdays with you!
Congrats on two years!! What an accomplishment!
Thanks for hosting such a great party and for featuring my coasters 🙂
Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe your blog is only two. I just started a new blog last week, in my wildest dreams would it be so successful as yours in two short years.
I linked up before & after’s of our first home.
Thank you for having a great party, it makes blogging all the more enjoyable!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!! You have come a long way, baby?!
I am so excited that you’ve been around for 2 years and can enlighten me with your wisdom. I am so thankful for you!
I linked up my Easy Laundry Soap recipe in the “recipe” section. I thought it fit better there rather than in the “projects” category. Hope that’s cool.
Thanks for rocking another link party. Have a great Thursday!!!
Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for hosting, and letting me link up. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Blogiversary! I’m nearing two months:) I had loved and pinned most of your features; thanks for hosting!
Thanks a million for featuring my placemats!! You’re awesome, as usual!! Happy blogiversary! I just passed my 1 Year Blogiversary. Pretty exciting!!
Thanks a ton for featuring my kitchen nook design! Congrats on your 2 year annv. as well. My 1 year is approaching. Amazing how time flies when you’re having fun!
Hey Allison! I guess I never realized that we link up with you every week as Lindsi usually takes care of all our linky parties! So happy that we do link up! We’d love it if you’d share some of your stuff in our linky on Fridays!
We’re going to have to have a GE Momsperience reunion sometime!
Jamie (formerly Mommy’s Camera)
Love the deer head art! I had to run over and pin it! I don’t know what I would do without your blog (and humor), Allison!!!
The…Late, Young Family
Congratulations! My two year anniversary was a few weeks ago, so i know how great it feels to have made it this far. Thanks for hosting these great parties 🙂
Thanks for hosting such a great party! Happy Two Year Bloggy Anniversary!!
Allison, Thanks for the linky! I love checking out all the fun new ideas bloggers link up.
Hi Allison! First, I have to thank you for featuring my deer art! I always get a ton of traffic from your site to mine…it is so appreciated! You are a wonderful hostess! Secondly, congratulations on your bloggiversary…you are truly an inspiration to so many others! Looking forward to the next two years!
Thanks for hosting Allison! LURVE your party!
WooooHoooo! Is what I screamed when I saw that I was featured. Thank you so much for featuring my Ruler Growth Chart. I feel so honored. Too funny that I actually signed in to Pinterest first and saw my ruler pinned on my front page by you (since I already follow you). Made my week! Now I have to dart off to be inspired by what everyone else is putting up this week.
This is another rockin’ party! Thanks so much!!
Thank you SO much for featuring my mirror Allison! 🙂 I’m so glad you like it! 🙂 And Happy Blogiversary!! Let’s celebrate with a little CFA and Diet DP this week. I’ll bring the candles. Love ya! 🙂