Like, oh mah goshhh. Can you believe We’ve officially lived in this house for a year now?!
Where on earth has the time gone? In some ways I feel like we haven’t done anything to the house, but when I actually look back at my archives I’m shocked at how much we’ve accomplished around the ‘hood.
I swear, I’m not planning on boring you to tears or anything. I just want to show everyone how far this little house has come in exactly one year of us moving in.
We haven’t done much with the outside of the house, but even still, it looks better than it did last year. We’ve tried to level off the hedge on the right in front of the window and we cleared out the flower bed in front of the porch. Plus we added a bench.
2011 progress:
So far the main things we’ve done in the foyer are painted our foyer yellow, hung a fun clock, & bought and painted a cart green.
2011 progress:
Dining Room:
Oh the dining room. Wow, we’ve come a long way here. I painted it, added chair rail, added moulding around the window, bought a table, and refinished said table. The chairs are still in the works, as well as finishing up the room.
2011 progress:
Piano Room:
I’ve probably made the most progress on the piano room. I painted it, trimmed it all out with moulding, & painted the mirror just to name a few things.
Oh, and don’t freak out on me. Those chairs are.not.staying. in this room. Yikes!
2011 progress:
Family Room:
The family room has received a paint job, a new couch, & moulding around the windows. Not a lot actually.

2011 progress:
So far we’ve painted the kitchen and added a few pot racks on the sides of the cabinets.
2011 progress:
Family Room & Kitchen 2011:
Breakfast Nook:
Our breakfast area has gotten a new table, moulding around the windows, and a paint job. We’ve also added a few accessories. No where near complete in here yet, but much improved.
2011 progress:
Breakfast Nook from Family Room:
Gah. This room is awful. It’s still orange. It’s still a train wreck. ‘Nuff said.
2011 progress:
Game Room:
Our most recent room re-do is our game room. We added a new couch and painted the place.
2011 progress:
2011 progress:
Everything else:
Ya, and then there’s everything else. We haven’t even scratched the surface on any one of our bathrooms, 2 kids rooms, guest room, master bedroom, or laundry room. This house has a long way to go.
Overall I’m quite pleased with our progress. Obviously I wish I were even more finished than we are, but at least we’ve come this far. Here’s to another year full of home renovations, painting, and projects!
Thanks everyone for sticking around and watching this house transform into our home. I’ve had a great time and I hope you have enjoyed the ride as well.
Your house looks great- you’ve done a ton of work for only being in there one year [just unpacking all the boxes usually takes a few months!]. And I especially like that couch [we have the exact same one… and the exact same tile around our fireplace… which is also at an angle in the corner of the room] Like I said, you have amazing style 😉
Thanks for sharing!
The changes are amazing! I love the way everything has turned out, You did forget to include the pictures of your ..uughh im having a brain fart… the wooden thingy in the back where you hung the fun lights… LOL. the word is gonna come to me as soon as I press “Publish”. I saw a cool looking black sign that has your last name sitting on the floor of your office, where are you putting it up at? Congrats on being at your house for 1 year! Hip Hip Hooray!
Everything looks so amazing!!! You’ve done so great! 🙂
the DECK!! Didnt I tell you I was gonna remember as soon as I hit publish LOL. The deckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! lol
You have really made your house a beautiful home! And OMG!!! That before dining room is horrendous!!!! LOL
Great work so far!! But the burning question I have is how did you make those model home-like vacuum triangles in your piano room?????? 🙂
You’ve done a great job! I just hit the year mark in my house and while I haven’t accomplished as much, I know it can be done and be amazing. Can’t wait to see how the rest of it goes. Thank you for sharing!
Not bad mama. I’ve lived in me casa for almost 8 years, and I think you’ve done more in one, lol. Now we are looking to move, which I’m scared and excited about. Can you imagine starting OVER, but this time being a blogger, lol. Dream come true, and majorly freaking out as well, ha ha.
My fav room is def the piano room too, but that foyer is awesome and that clock is beautiful.
You have done a great job girl, keep up the good work!!!
Hugs, Bella 🙂
**AMAZE ME AUGUST** @ Bella Before and After Any projects, recipes, diy welcome.
**PARTY PLANNING TUESDAYS** @ Euro Style Cakes. All your party planning tips, decorations, invitations, and recipes welcome at my NEW party.
I can’t believe it’s been a year already! The house looks great.
Allison, your house is beautiful!! I can’t believe how much you’ve got finished in just a year. Thanks for sharing!
wow! that is A LOT of progress for ONE year!! good work! i can’t wait till u do up the rest of the house! I’m very interested in seeing the master bedroom and the kids’ rooms! good work!!
We have the SAME Costco couch!!!
See?? We have similar taste, I suppose! Your house is doing great. We’ve done so much in ours in five years….sometimes you forget until you look at old pictures! Great job, Allison!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
You’ve done a ton on your house. It’s fun to see everything in one post to see how much you really have accomplished. I think you’ve made great progress. I especially love the entry now. It’s so inviting.
Alison, you crack me up! I’ve lived in my house 14 years and I haven’t done anything as much as you have. I have, with lots of help, painted most of the room. I don’t know how to create molding or do half of what you do. I have a few projects I’m begging my family to help do and finish for my 50th. They weren’t keen on Disney World or even Disneyland So I asked my sister if she would refurbish my dining table and then I asked my parents if they would pay her to do it. She needs the money and my poor table needs some love. That table has been through many meals with my parents and in my home for over 50 years. It’s time!!!
I love your gray you used in your living room and kitchen. What is the name of the paint you used and what brand? We currently have 7 stripes of gray paint in our office that didn’t work. Love yours!
Flipin’ heck luv! A year, you’ve accomplished so much in your home! We’ve moved into our house 4 years ago and I still have boxes I haven’t unpacked, even worse we’ve only had kids for 2 years so I can’t even use them as an excuse!
Your home looks so fresh with those colours, love it!
Why yes, I would love to come and live with you. Thank you for asking.
You’ve done so much in just a year! Not to mention all the moving, settling and unpacking you’ve had to do, too (for me that seemed to take MONTHS – finding places for all our crap to live in the new house, lol!). Give yourself a pat on the back for all the progress you’ve made! And no worries – there’s ALWAYS more changes/projects to tackle – we’ve lived in our house 2 years and to me it feels like the To Do List is still neverending! 🙂
Allison I love the whole house! The dining room transformation is amazing, love it!!. I also like the gray color you used. I need a sofa table like yours. You got a good deal on it. Nancy
Wow! You’ve made some amazing progress in just a year. I think the dining room was the biggest, and most fabulous, change of them all!
It’s looking so great! Okay I have to know…what are the grays you are using in your house? I am in a serious hunt for good grays!
I just love your house! Its beautiful and you’ve dong a great job so far. I mean I wouldnt know cuz I dont have a house yet.. getting married in Dec- currently live in an apartment.. but I’m sure it takes time and money to do all that you’ve done.. I say “GOOD JOB!”
just started my own blog about cooking/food/book reviews and much more! Check it out and follow if you like!
Girl, I hope you know how much you inspire….at the very least, I have the same plants out front, and didn’t quite realize how nice they can look as hedges or squared up plants – thank you soooo much!!!
There’s only one thing that I would change… I would remove that burnt orange “thing” on your fridge & replace it with a crimson & cream OU banner!!!! LOL!!! The rest of it looks fabulous!!! You have made a lot of improvements this past year.
Wow! I can’t believe you’ve been there a whole year, either!!! You guys have done so much in just a year and the house looks awesome! Seriously, we’ve lived in our house for over 4 years and haven’t done half the work you all have done!
I have had your button on my sidebar for months, but somehow i was not a follower!!! anyway.. now following you ..
Love all the shades of grey you used in your house. It looks beautiful! I think you have done a ton! Your house is hotter than…..Barney. (I still miss your old dining room colors:) Congrads on making it to the year mark!
I love seeing how you change the rooms!! They were so dark and small looking before, then with your paint selections, boom! they just pop open and look MUCH bigger!! nice job!