Each Friday all summer long I’m inviting blog friends over here to hang out with me and all of you! I hope you’ve enjoyed the series so far.
Hanging out this weekend is Jenna from SAS Interiors. I absolutely love her blog. She is such a fabulous Interior Decorator and I’ve learned tons of tips from her.
I’m thrilled to be guest posting on House of Hepworths today! I’ve been a huge fan of HoH since I started blogging two years ago and I’m excited that Allison reached out to me to share a fun and easy DIY project with you on how-to create a personalized dry-erase calendar. Before we get started, let me introduce myself…
HI, my name is Jenna and I am an Interior Designer, Home Blogger, and DIY junkie of SAS Interiors, where I strive to inspire and deliver smart, stylish, and sophisticated design solutions for the home.
Even though I’m an in-real-life Designer, I love to get my hands dirty so my blog is filled with creative DIY projects, like the Play Kitchen I made for my kids…
…or the log centerpiece I made for my Thanksgiving table.
I also love to share decorating tips, like how-to create a photo gallery wall.
And of course I love to showcase interior design inspiration like my Teen Room Round-up.
So now that you know more about me, let’s get started with How-To Make a Personalized Dry-Erase Calendar…
I started with an 18″ x 24″ frame that I purchased from AC Moore. The Portrait frames are always on sale for 40 or 50%, so I scored this for about $13.
At the time of purchase, I wasn’t sure how I was going to pull this calendar together, but I knew I wanted to add some color and pizazz. I found pretty scrapbook paper (which was also on sale) for $0.40 a sheet. I loved these modern designs and vibrant hues… a perfect compliment to the other spaces in my home.
Then using the Excel program, I was able to make a calendar and print it on 11 x 17 paper (looking for the printable? Click here to print). I also made a separate sheet for notes. Using the cells in Excel, it’s really easy to create. Are you an excel user? It’s one of my favorite programs to use ~ weird, I know.
Using my good ole’ imagination, along with my pretty paper and magic scissors, I created my personalized dry erase calendar.
To add a bit of personalization, I included our family name – Burger – to the top, using one of the stylish papers and my printer. No silhouette machine here… ( I would love one though!)
I have to admit, this vibrant red polka-dot paper wasn’t the best choice for writing our name on, but O well, it works. A quieter background would have been better – you learn from your mistakes, right? That’s what is great about this personalized calendar… I can continually change the background and it’ll only cost pennies!
Here it is, complete and ready to be used!
And that’s it – so simple, right? Every time a new friend comes into our home, they’re amazed at how awesome and useful this calendar is – it truly keeps our family on track! if you’d like to see the entire wall and my Central Command Center, you can read about it here.
Thanks again Allison for having me here at HoH today! If you’d like to see more DIY projects, read more about decorating tips, and be inspired about interior design, head over to SAS Interiors. xo Jenna
How awesome is that dry erase board? I definitely need to make one for myself as well. Such a great idea.
Allison email me please forgot to tell u something in our convo the other night
Great Job…..your printable will not work. 🙁
I hate to be “that person,” but your last name on the calendar… should not have that apostrophe. The apostrophe shows possession. Because it is just plural (as in, your family), it would just be “The Burgers.” If you wanted to make it possessive, as in “The Burgers’ Calendar,” the apostrophe would go AFTER the S, due to the plurality of the proper noun.
Otherwise, great idea and awesome execution! Very cool!
I think the calendar is beautiful in addition to useful; I wouldn’t be so quick to change the colors/patterns. I am definitely going to give this a try – you make it sound so darn easy! And I am excel junkie too – maybe it is more weird for interior designers than business managers?! Enjoyed your post and your idea.
I love this idea. I’m pinning this for inspiration.
The apostrophe bothered me as well…sorry. But, onto my question, what marker do you use? I find that the markers aren’t thin enough to be able to read my writing on things that small. My writing just looks blurry.